Answered By: Robert Farmer
Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024     Views: 198


What is a mark schema?

A mark schema is a tool used in Original and Ultra courses which translates numeric values into letter grades based on a pre-determined set of rules. Using a mark schema means that numeric scores given to student work are changed into the correct letter grades in the grade centre in Original courses and the gradebook in Ultra courses.

There are two official mark schemas which are used at the University; UnderGrad Letter and PostGrad Letter. The rules which do the translation are different for undergraduate and postgraduate students, therefore it is important that the right schema is used when assessing student work.

All NILE courses are created with the correct mark schemas already in place. Original courses are created with both the UnderGrad and PostGrad Letter schemas available for use. Ultra courses created prior to June 2023 contain either the UnderGrad or PostGrad Letter schemas as appropriate to the level of study of the module. Ultra courses intended for teaching at level 6 and below are created with the UnderGrad Letter schema, whereas those intended for teaching at levels 7 and 8 are deployed with the PostGrad Letter schema. Ultra courses created after June 2023 are created with both schemas available for use.

The official University UnderGrad and PostGrad letter schemas should not be changed in any way, and all summative assessments should use these schemas when converting numeric values into letter grades.

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How do I use a mark schema in an Ultra course?

In order to use a mark schema, when setting up the assignment submission point, select the schema you wish to use from the 'Mark using' drop down menu.

More information about setting up assignment submission points is available in the 'Assignment workflows' guides at:

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How do I view a mark schema in an Ultra course?

1. Log in to NILE and access your Ultra course.

2. Go in to the Gradebook and access the Gradebook settings (the cog icon).

3. Choose 'Manage Mark Schemas'.

From here, you can see the mark schemas which are in place.

The table below shows the values for the UnderGrad Letter and the PostGrad Letter mark schemas.

Numeric Score

 Letter Grade

Numeric Score

Marks scored between Will equal  Marks scored between
%   %
80 and 100 A+ 80 and 100
75 and less than 80 A 75 and less than 80
70 and less than 75 A- 70 and less than 75
67 and less than 70 B+ 67 and less than 70
63 and less than 67 B 63 and less than 67
60 and less than 63 B- 60 and less than 63
57 and less than 60 C+ 57 and less than 60
53 and less than 57 C 53 and less than 57
50 and less than 53 C- 50 and less than 53
47 and less than 50 D+ n/a
43 and less than 47 D n/a
40 and less than 43 D- n/a
35 and less than 40 F+ 45 and less than 50
20 and less than 35 F 28 and less than 45
and less than 20 F- and less than 28
4 and less than 5 ZZ and less than 5
3 and less than 4 LG and less than 4
2 and less than 3 NG and less than 3
1 and less than 2 AG and less than 2
and less than 1 G 0 and less than 1


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How do I create and edit mark schemas in an Ultra course

New schemas can be created by selecting the 'Add' button.

The name of an existing schema can be changed by selecting the pencil icon at the end of the name.

Additional rows can be created by moving your mouse in between the rows and selecting the plus (+) button.

Existing rows can be edited and deleted by choosing the ellipsis menu (•••) at the end of a row and choosing either edit or delete.

Once the schema is correct, choose 'Save'. Please note that the save button will only become visible once there are changes to save.

Saving an edited mark schema will immediately update all assignment marks for any assignments to which it has been applied.

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More help and support

If you need any training to help you create and edit mark schemas in your Ultra course, please contact your learning technologist.