Answered By: IT Services
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 Views: 24

Guidance for Telephony Access

If you have not initially been moved to the the new 8x8 telephony platform or need an account creating, your manager will need to request this by logging a service request via the IT Service Portal (raise ticket here) using the details below.

In the request, you will need to answer the following eligibility survey, provided by HR, to help determine the necessity of your request.  

Please find the guidance HR has provided below:


8x8 Telephony Access

Most University of Northampton staff can handle all call and video conferencing needs using Microsoft Teams, which is standard for all staff and pre-installed on University-owned devices.

In some cases, a staff member may require an external telephone number—for example, to be reachable by external parties or to participate in a hunt group. Since providing external telephone numbers incurs ongoing costs, it is important to evaluate the necessity of this feature. If you are considering requesting a license for an external phone number, please complete the following survey to determine if this is the most appropriate solution.


Eligibility Survey

Answer the questions below to assess your need for an external telephone number:

  1. Do you regularly (more than once a week) make or receive calls to or from external parties who do not use Microsoft Teams for University business? (Y/N)
  2. Does your role require you to be contactable by external parties outside of Teams? (Y/N)
  3. Are you part of a permanent hunt group (not just during clearing or other periodic events)? (Y/N)

If you answer "Yes" to any of the above, provide additional details below:

  1. How frequently do you receive external calls outside of Teams?
  2. Do you receive external calls outside your hunt group?
  3. Where would your external number be advertised?
  4. Do you have a University-issued mobile phone?

Your responses will form the basis of a business case for access to a license that provides an external phone number.


Occasional Needs

If your need for external calls is infrequent, you are encouraged to:

  • Use the University switchboard to place calls to external numbers.
  • Use your University-issued mobile phone, if applicable, for non-Teams calls.

Note: If you answer "No" to all initial survey questions but believe you still require an external number, you must provide a clear explanation of your reasons below. Please remember that each license carries an ongoing cost to the University.


Approval Process

Line Managers must review and approve the business case before submission.

Line Manager Approval LINE MANAGER SIGNATURE:________________ DATE: ___________

Staff Member Agreement STAFF MEMBER SIGNATURE: ________________ DATE: ___________


Important Notes

  • Usage of the external telephone number will be monitored. If usage falls to very low levels, your number may be discontinued. You will be notified in advance and given an opportunity to justify continued access.
  • Submit this completed form through the IT self-service portal as part of your request for software.

Your request will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Whether suitable alternatives (e.g., Teams) are unavailable.
  • Alignment with this guidance.
  • Justification and approval by your Line Manager.
  • The strength of the business case provided.

If your request meets the guidelines, IT Services will be notified to set up your account. You will be informed of the outcome of your request in any case.

I am having further issues, how can I reach IT Services?

If you are having any further issues, you can contact us through one of the following methods:

  • You can report an issue in person at the IT Services helpdesk on the ground floor of the Learning Hub
  • You can raise an IT ticket in the IT self-service portal
  • You can also call us on 01604 893333
  • If you are an international student, you can email us on 

Our opening times are:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8am to 5pm
  • Friday: 8am to 9am and then 10am to 5pm