Answered By: Student Support and Advice Team Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024 Views: 1352
You can find out your module results in the SRS Student Portal. Log in to the system and navigate to 'My Studies'. From there click 'View My Modules' and then 'View My Marks'.
Your overall module grade will consider all the items of assessment within that module. The items of assessment within each of your modules, and their % weightings, are published in each module guide. The % weighting of an assessment gives an indication as to its significance, and below are two examples of assessment patterns:
Example 1 - 2 hour exam (50%) and 2,000 word essay (50%)
Example 2 - Portfolio (100%)
Looking at example 1, it is possible that as you need to get a D- overall, if a fail grade is achieved in one item, you may still be able to pass the module overall provided you achieve a good pass grade on the other item. However, if the fail grade is on a big piece of work, for example, a 70% assessed piece of work, then an overall pass grade might be quite difficult to achieve.
Please note that some programmes do have Supplementary Regulations which means that students must pass all items of assessments and modules cannot be passed on aggregate.
I need some help to work out my marks
We have a guide to help you navigate the SRS Student Portal to your grades. We also have a video and written guide that shows you how to navigate the SRS Student Portal to find what you need.
If you have any questions about what your grades mean, please contact the Student Support and Advice Team at or call on 01604 89 2600
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