Answered By: IT Services
Last Updated: Oct 05, 2024 Views: 1383

All University of Northampton students have an official University email address which ends with

This email address will be the only form of contact that the University and your tutors use.

You can access your University email through the MyNorthampton app. It is recommended that you download the MyNorthampton app as there are many useful features:

App homepage with different tiles; email, results, nelson, calendar, nile, student hub, tasks and attendance

You can also access your email through the Student Hub on the University of Northampton website.

Once you have logged into the Student Hub you will have access to your University email account, along with many other services provided by the University.

Click the Email button which is the black tile at the top left of all the student hub tiles

I am having further issues, how can I reach IT Services?

If you are having any further issues, you can contact us through one of the following methods:

  • You can report an issue in person at the IT Services helpdesk on the ground floor of the Learning Hub
  • You can raise an IT ticket in the IT self-service portal
  • You can also call us on 01604 893333
  • If you are an international student, you can email us on 

Our opening times are:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8am to 5pm
  • Friday: 8am to 9am and then 10am to 5pm

LinkedIn Learning also has lots of training videos about using software packages, including courses about Microsoft Outlook. Students and staff can use LinkedIn Learning for free.