If you are in short term financial difficulty the University may be able to provide short term loans in certain situations. The loans which are available are as follows:
If you are experiencing unexpected, temporary financial difficulties, you may be eligible to apply for an emergency loan. Please visit Student Hub - Emergency Loan for full details, eligibility criteria and our application form.
If you are a "Home/UK" Student who has applied for and are eligible to receive a maintenance loan or NHS bursary, but whose first instalment has been delayed and you can demonstrate you have limited funds available, you may be eligible to receive a Bridging Loan. Please visit Student Hub - Bridging Loan for full details, eligibility criteria and our application form.
If you need to undertake a placement and need help with travel costs in advance because you have limited funds available, then you may be eligible to apply for a placement loan. Please visit Student Hub - Placement Loan for full details, eligibility criteria and our application form.
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