Answered By: Student Support and Advice Team
Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024 Views: 3778

What are mitigating circumstances?

Mitigating circumstances are genuine unforeseen circumstances or events that prevent you from being able to submit work by a deadline (like illness or bereavement). They are similar to extensions, but they are used when the unforeseen circumstances have more of a long-term effect, and you would need longer than a two-week extension to complete an assessment.

If mitigating circumstances are approved, then this will enable you to submit work at the next opportunity. Please note students can only have a maximum of two attempts at an assessment in an academic year. If mitigating circumstances is approved at a third submission opportunity then no further submission attempts can be made for the academic year.

How do I apply for mitigating circumstances?

The application form can be found on the Student Hub, before you complete the application form, please make sure to watch our application help videos so that you can complete the request correctly.

To apply, you need to submit your application as close to the assignment deadline as possible, normally two weeks before or maximum two weeks after the deadline (it can be two weeks after the extended deadline if you have previously had an extension approved). Applications should not be submitted too far in advance of the deadline. In exceptional circumstances, applications will be accepted after the deadline but must be submitted as soon as possible, and the reason for the delay must be included.

What evidence do I need for mitigating circumstances?

You can self-certify a maximum of two occasions in an academic year. This is where you may have experienced an unforeseen circumstance / event but are not able to get supporting evidence. For example, having a bout of flu but not being able to provide a note from a doctor. Generally, for a mitigating circumstances application you will need to provide supporting evidence (such as from a health professional). If you are not able to provide evidence then you can ask your programme / module leader or personal tutor, if they support your application, to fill in the supporting statement section of the application form.

You can find out more about what evidence you can provide on the Mitigating Circumstances area on the Student Hub.

Who can I speak to about this?

You can speak to the Student Support and Advice Team by emailing them at or call 01604 892600. There are also drop-ins and appointments. 

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