Answered By: Sharon Song
Last Updated: Dec 13, 2024     Views: 5309

Before you can begin to prepare your course, you need to attach yourself to it. Remember that students are attached automatically to courses through the enrollment process but members of staff are not.


1. You can enrol yourself on a course by selecting "Tools" from the left-hand menu and then choosing the "Enrol on a NILE course" option:


2. Select 'Add Course to Workload'.



3. A window called "Course search" opens containing drop-down menus and a text entry box to allow you to enter your search criteria. You can search by Course ID (this is the module or programme code), by Course Name (its title) or Description.

Enter the full module code in Capitals into the box and click on the Go button.

Select the radio button next to your chosen course and click Submit. Please be aware that where it says the course is not available only means the course is not yet available to students.

Note: If you are unsure which course to attach yourself to, speak to the course leader in your Faculty or contact the Curriculum Team for information.


4. You will be prompted to make a role selection "Instructor" or "Support Staff", select the relevant role, click on Submit button

Instrutor: has full access to the site, mainly for staff teaching on the course.

Support staff: staff supporting students on the course (e.g. ASSIST staff).


5. A confirmation screen will be displayed. Click OK to return to the Home tab.

On the Home tab, a link to the course will have been added to My Sites box. Clicking on a link will take you into the course.



1. Unenrol yourself in a course by selecting "Tools" from the left-hand menu and then choosing the "Enrol on a NILE course" option (screenshot attached below):


2. Click on a module site you would like to remove yourself from the "Your Course Enrolments" list.


3. Click on the radio button next to your name and click "Remove" at the top.


4. A message will prompt you to confirm, click "Ok".

5. You will see a message at the top confirming "User xxxxx successfully removed from the course".