Answered By: Al Holloway
Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024     Views: 542

If you publish your video as Unlisted then you can share your video with anyone.

During the upload process, you are able to decide whether your video is Private to you or Unlisted. Choose unlisted to share your video via the share link.

To switch the publishing status of your video after you have uploaded it, follow these steps.

1. Go to and log in.

2. Click on your name at the top of the screen then select My Media.

3. Click the thumbnail image of the video you want to share.


4. Select the Actions box beneath the video.

5. Select the Publish option from the drop-down menu.

6. Select the Unlisted radio button.

7. Click on the blue Save button.



To share the video

1. Click on the Share button.

2. Copy the link to the video.

3. Paste the link into an email for example or you may have been asked to paste it to a PowerPoint for submission.
