Answered By: Richard Byles
Last Updated: Sep 09, 2024     Views: 219

   Activity log or Collection page:

1. Press the plus icon to add a new page.

2. Choose ‘Placeholder page’.

3. ‘Activity Log’ or ‘Collection’

4. Click Save (top-right).

5. Enter a title for your template and Confirm. 

6. Click the tile on the left, to let you set criteria. Note: For an activity log you will need to set target hours or target points.

7. Click Edit Criteria.

8. You can use ‘filter by asset type’ to restrict the type of asset to appear. This is optional.

9. Enter a word or some letters for the tag. Click Add. You can use more than one if needed.

10. Confirm.

11. Click ‘Properties’ (top-right). Then select ‘workbook’.

12. Tick ‘cascade tags’.

13. Click the icon at the top to give the page a title.

14. Click onto where it says, ‘please enter user instruction’ and ‘please enter a hint’ to add some useful detailed instructions to your students. Advise them to switch the toggle switch to ‘on’.

15. Save and press the PebblePad logo to exit the workbook.


Reusable template

1. Burger Menu, Get Creative, Create a template.

2. Click ‘I want to’ (top-right).

3. A pop-up window will prompt you to save.

4. Choose ‘experience’ from the drop-down menu.

5. Enter a title for your template and Confirm.

6. Click ‘Properties’. Select ‘Template’.

7. Click ‘Allow reuse without prompting’.

8. Tick ‘Cascade tags’.

9. Apply to all.

11. 10. Click ‘I want to’ again.

12. Choose ‘tag’.

13. Enter the exact same tag you set in the Activity log or collection page and Add.

Add content as needed before saving and exiting.

Please test this with a test student account in your workspace before deploying to students.