To find out who has not submitted to Turnitin when anonymous marking has been enabled, guidance is available via the links below.
Note that information about which students have and have not submitted assignments is continually updated and it is not necessary to wait until the due date for this information to become available. Thus, while staff may wish to send an announcement to all students on a module reminding them of an upcoming due date, staff can also use the student progress tool (see information in the guide below) shortly before a due date to check on the progress to date of submissions and to send additional reminders only to those students without a submission.
Please also note that anonymous marking is only recommended when using Turnitin assignments. Enabling anonymous marking when using Blackboard assignments does not allow staff to see which students have submitted assignments and which have not, and does not allow individual student submissions to be de-anonymised in cases where academic misconduct is suspected, therefore it is recommended to use anonymous marking with Turnitin assignments only.
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