Answered By: Library Help
Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024     Views: 160

The Library and Learning Services' rules and regulations are presented below. They can also be found in the footer of every page, titled 'Our Policy'. 

Rules and regulations for the use of University of Northampton Library and Learning Services’ systems, services and resources



These regulations apply to all users of spaces, services and resources, managed by Library and Learning Services (LLS) for the pursuance of the University’s activity. This includes equipment on lease or not owned by the University itself but provided or supported by LLS for the purposes of learning, teaching, research and Business and Community engagement (BCE).

1. Users of University of Northampton libraries, resources and services are expected to behave responsibly at all times and to respond reasonably to requests from LLS staff in relation to their behaviour.

2. The level of access and provision for any individual member of the University will vary according to factors including but not limited to the status of the individual member, the extent of the provision (University resources are finite), and the nature of the system or service. In some cases (for example, short term employees or students of other institutions on placement with a unit of the University) the access may be particularly temporary or limited in kind.

3. University members will at all times be expected to identify themselves as such upon applying to or approaching an LLS service point or facility.

4. University members will be assigned a unique University identifier to use in connection with the use of systems, services or facilities, and will be expected at all times to use this personal identifier and no other to gain access to such systems and services.

5. All users will be expected to observe University policies while making use of LLS provision or facilities.

6. All users are expected to abide by local LLS policy or procedures where these supplement or detail University policies and procedures. LLS policies and procedures are formulated to strike an appropriate balance between the rights and responsibilities of all the members of the University.

7. Information about all relevant policy and procedures are freely available through the University web site and will be produced to users upon request in written form.

8. University members will be expected to comply with LLS rules and regulations regarding the use of access codes, user identifiers/logins, passwords etc.

9. University members who are not enrolled students or appointed staff will be ‘sponsored’ by a University unit who will be expected to follow the agreed procedure with regard to establishing the nature and extent of access to services and facilities and where appropriate to assist LLS staff with ensuring that appropriate use is made of any provision or facilities.

10. University members will be expected to comply with LLS expectations regarding personal behaviour at all times while accessing University systems, services, resources or facilities.

11. All University members will be expected to cease or desist from using a system, service or facility when requested to do so by an authorised member of LLS staff.

12. University members must not tamper with, alter, damage or move any University equipment or system. Parameters for use of particular systems or provision e.g. the use of NILE must be observed.

13. Members’ use of some services may be charged for or incur a penalty in instances of misuse (eg. late return or loss of resources) or exceeding entitlement. Members are responsible for insuring resources borrowed from LLS against loss, theft and damage.

14. Use of University systems, services, resources and facilities by members of the Public will be discretionary in all cases and may be affected by a range of factors beyond the University’s control, e.g. software or other licenses.

15. From time to time access to systems, services, resources or facilities may be withdrawn from use for the purposes of maintenance, upgrade or other operational necessity. LLS will at all times endeavour to give advance notice of such withdrawals, with an indication of when the system, service, resource or facility will be available for use.

16. LLS will use best efforts at all times to maintain access to systems, services, resources and facilities, but cannot guarantee that any system, service, resource or facility will be fully functional at any point. Information regarding service quality will be published according to University requirements and will be made available to any enquirer upon request.

17. In order to maintain the academic environment, Library and Learning Services not allow fliers or leaflets to be or unauthorised posters to be displayed, the library buildings. This applies to all library spaces including foyer areas.

Breach of the regulations

Entitlement to use of LLS services, resources or facilities may be withdrawn in the event of a breach of these regulations, or when a member becomes a debtor of the University.

The University will refer as appropriate to the relevant disciplinary framework.

  • Staff (refer to HR policies and procedures)
  • Students (refer to Student Code)
  • Other members of the University (Facilities will be withdrawn and the user referred to the Sponsoring Unit)
  • Public. Facilities will be withdrawn and a financial redress will be sought in instances of loss or damage to University property.

In cases where a breach of the law may be involved, the University reserves the right to refer to the appropriate authorities for legal sanctions.


"University" is The University of Northampton

"Unit" is a University School or Department

"Designated authority" are University senior managers, including the Vice Chancellor, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Deans of School or Directors of Departments

"Members of the University" are enrolled students, employed personnel, and persons with a recognised connection to the University

"Members of the Public" are all those who are not members of the University

"Damage" is any action or intervention by an individual with regard to equipment or service which inhibits subsequent use by a member of the University or involves the University in unplanned expense

"Libraries" are campus facilities designated as libraries, including open learning spaces within the physical envelope of a library (materials) security system

"ICT" is computer-based information and communication equipment and related services

Relevant laws

  • Copyright, Designs and Patents  Act 1988 and related legislation
  • Computer Misuse Act 2000
  • Data Protection Act 2003
  • Freedom of Information Act 2000
  • Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2003

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