Please contact IT Services for advice.
Please follow the guidance below to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) if you do not have a smart phone.
1. Using a computer visit the Microsoft My Sign-Ins page
2. Sign in using your University of Northampton email address and password.
3. Click on +Add sign-in method.
4. From the dropdown select Phone.
5. Click Add.
6. From the country dropdown select the relevant country code for your mobile phone.
7. Enter your phone number into the box and click Next.
8. Microsoft will text you a 6-digit code to the number provided.
9. Enter the 6-digit code and click Next.
The next time you need to sign into the Student or Staff Hub, or Office 365, you should receive a code by text message to your mobile phone, so make sure you have it with you.
I need help or want to know more
We have more guides available or IT Services will be happy to help you. You can visit IT Services on the SID on the ground floor of the Learning Hub:
You can also call the IT helpdesk on 01604 893333:
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