Answered By: Library Help
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2024     Views: 490

Meeting Rooms (staff only)

Staff can book a meeting room from the 'Bookings' tile on the Staff Hub. You can also access Planon, the software that books meeting rooms, directly.

Three tiles; book event space, book meeting room and my reservations.

Once you have selected 'book meeting room' you will be asked to fill in your details and how many people will be attending the meeting. Continue to the next page and you will be able to further specify a date range and building / location for the room. This will then present you with available rooms that meet your requirements.

Choose date and time. Then chose the UON property and number of people. This will then show suitable rooms.

Please note that these rooms should not be booked if will be having a student with you - they are staff only.

If you have any problem booking a room or have any questions about the study rooms, their capacity or bookings please contact Liz Quinn at

Event Spaces (staff or Student Union)

Event spaces can only be booked by staff or the Student Union so if you wish to book one of the spaces please either see a tutor or, if you are a society, the Student Union to book it on your behalf.

Staff requiring event space should use the online booking system on the Staff Intranet (if problems are experienced, please contact Tracy Brockton at, through the 'booking' tile. Choose 'book event space' to access the booking calendar.

Please note that requests are mediated to check the space is appropriate and to ensure furniture requirements are dealt with. Ideally four weeks’ notice is required for large events so please bear this in mind when booking.