Answered By: Al Holloway Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 Views: 7806
• All students and staff who use the Kaltura Capture recorder must sign out of the recorder immediately and connect it to the new Kaltura location at before making any new recordings.
• Do not make any recordings using Kaltura Capture unless you are sure that you are connected to, as any recordings made while signed in to the old version of the Kaltura Capture recorder will no longer be able to be uploaded to NILE.
• Please follow our guide to connect to the new Kaltura Capture recorder:
Launching the Kaltura Capture recorder
You can do this in two ways:
1) Click the Kaltura Capture icon on your Desktop:
2) Select Kaltura Capture from the Add New menu on MediaSpace at
This will open up the following window, if you tick the box and select Open Kaltura Capture this will open the app every time you click on Capture.
Important: Please make sure you do not click the blue cancel option.
The Kaltura Capture Recorder will be displayed on your desktop:
How to create a recording
By default, all recording inputs are configured to the optimal quality available, so you can just start recording. (If you would like to change the default input settings, camera, screen or audio, please see the section called Recording Options).
Create a recording
1) Click the red button on the left to start recording.
2) You will see a 5 second count down and then your recording will start.
3) If you decide to cancel your recording during the 5 second countdown, click on the X.
4) When the recording begins, the duration of your recording is displayed in the Recording Menu.
Recording Options
Kaltura Personal Capture enables recording your screen, webcam, or just audio.
Recording Tip
If you find that the recorder is not recognising either your video or your microphone then can we advise you to make sure you have all other applications closed. In some circumstances Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams may have control of your video at audio and may prevent the recorder from accessing those successfully.
Recording camera and screen
Setting camera settings:
1) Click on the arrow next to the Camera icon.
2) Select the input source (i.e. the camera) you are going to record from using the drop down menu. If there is more than one camera connected to your PC, select the camera you want to record from.
Setting Kaltura Capture recorder for two cameras
1) Click on the adown arrows next to the input icons:
2) Select the two input sources (cameras) you are going to record from, from the drop-down menu next to the Camera icons.
Setting Kaltura Capture to record a screen or partial screen
You can either set the recorder to record the whole screen or just a section of the screen. To record a section:
1) Select an area from one of the options. The default area is 800x600 pixels. You can also customize the screen area you want to record by resizing the cropping window. Drag the frame to the size you want to record.
2) Place the resized frame over the area on your screen that you want to record. Click Confirm and the frame turns red. Begin your recording.
3) If you decide to cancel, toggle Full Screen under the screen selection. Click on the Camera icon to turn it off if you want to record screen only.
Using Kaltura Capture to record two screens
1) Click on the arrow next to the Camera icon. Open the Camera drop down menu and select the second screen from the list displayed:
2) Select Full Screen or Select Area to record a select section of your screen (see above Setting Kaltura Capture to record a screen or partial screen for instructions).
Using Kaltura Capture to record audio only
1) Disable both Screen and Camera icons that appear on the recorder by clicking on them.
2) Click on the arrow next to the Audio icon. Select the microphone you want to use to record from the Audio drop down. If there is more than one microphone connected to your PC, make sure you select the one you want to use.
Completing your recording
When you have finished recording:
1) Click the square grey button next to the red stop button. A message asking whether you want to stop this recording will pop up. Click on the 'Yes, Stop it' message.
2) The following screen will pop-up. here you can rename your video, give it a description and tags.
3) If you Save your video this will save it to your local directory on your device; all the recorded videos are stored locally in your Recordings directory. If you have not changed the Recordings directory during the installation, the default recording directory is C:\ProgramFiles\Kaltura\Capture\Recordings on a Windows device.
4) If you Save & Upload this will save to Capture Library recordings but also upload your video into your MediaSpace at where it will be stored in the My Media area.
5) If you no longer want to keep your recording you can choose to delete it by clicking the Delete button.
5) When you Save & Upload messages will pop-up to inform you that your video is uploading and when the upload is successful; a link is also provided for you to click to view your video in your My Media area on MediaSpace.
In order to manage your recordings see the link below.
These links and files will open in a new window
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