Answered By: Robert Farmer Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 Views: 265
Staff with access to the NILE Administrator Panel can view NILE users and the courses on which they are enrolled. They can also search for and access NILE courses from the panel, which grants limited permissions to view Ultra courses without having to enrol on them. Where users need full access all parts of a NILE course, it will be necessary to enrol on the course as an Instructor, however, for users with access to the NILE Administrator Panel this can be done once inside the course.
To find, access, and enrol on an Ultra course in NILE, access the Administrator Panel via the 'Admin' button in the main NILE menu. When the panel opens, select Courses.
Search for the course that you are looking for by entering an appropriate search term and selecting the 'Go' button.
The search defaults to 'Course Name' and 'Contains', but you can change these if you want to refine your search. Changing 'Course Name' to 'Course ID' allows you to search by course ID, and 'Contains' can be changed to 'Equal to' or 'Starts with' to enable different types of search.
If you are searching using 'Contains', you can enter multiple terms in order to get a more refined response. For example, if you know the module ID and the academic year, you could use the following search term - Search: Course ID, Contains: PHI1001 2324 - which will return all the NILE courses for PHI1001 that were run in the 2023/2024 academic year.
Once you have found your NILE course, select the course ID (e.g., PHI1001-STD-2324) to enter the course. As you will not be enrolled on the course, you will have only limited permissions and will find that some parts of the course are not visible, or do not work. If you need full access, once in the course you can enrol by selecting 'View everyone on your course', which is under the Class register in the Details & Actions menu.
From the Class Register panel, select the + (plus) button to open the 'Enrol People' panel.
When the 'Enrol People' panel opens, type your name into the search box to find your account, select it, choose the role (this will normally be Instructor) and press 'Save'. You will now be enrolled on the course will full Instructor permissions.
If you want to remove yourself from a NILE course, please see the FAQ linked below.
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