Answered By: Library Help
Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024     Views: 494

You can find a range of databases that we subscribe to on our list of A-Z Databases. You can search in the search box, or use the drop down menus to help you find what you need.

Drop down and search options

If you have any problems access any databases, you can see if it an issue we are already aware of by looking at the 'System Status' box on the right side of the screen.


For most databases you will need to use your University login details, sometimes known as single sign-on.

There are a few databases which do not use the University login details and for these the log-ins are displayed when you click on the database. If you are off-campus, you may need to contact who will give you a code to enable you to view the database password. 

What is the difference between searching NELSON and searching a database?

When you are searching NELSON, you are searching the contents of the databases. Databases are often about particular subjects and so similar articles and books are grouped together. You might find this easier for browsing or reading around your topic.

Where can I find databases specifically for my subject?

Your academic librarian will have created a subject guide for you and there will be a page that links to databases the cover your subject, along with lots more useful information.

I need more help searching

There are lots of resources and teams that can help you with searching, it is a skill that needs help and practice. You can find help: