Answered By: Library Help Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024 Views: 891
Main Print Collection
This collection is located on the second, third, and fourth floors of the Learning Hub. Items are sorted in number order by shelfmark (their classification of topic), divided between floors as follows;
- 001 to 612.99 are on the second floor
- 613 to 769.99 are on the third floor
- 770 to 999.99 are on the fourth floor.
We also have a video about finding a book on NELSON, and then on the shelves:
Oversize Collection
This contains resources that are larger than our standard print stock. These can be found after the School Experience collection, near the laptop cabinet on the second floor, next to the Health Kits.
Health Kits Collection
These models can be found on the second floor, next to the Oversize Collection, at the back of the School Experience collection.
School Experience Collection
The School Experience collection is a large collection of resources for use in teaching, they are divided into four main sections;
- Fiction books
- Non-fiction books
- Fiction kits
- Non-fiction kits.
These are located on the second floor of the Learning Hub, opposite the main collection.
Our collection of print journals are located on the ground floor of the Learning Hub, near the entrance to the Market restaurant. These can't be borrowed, but are available for reference use within the Learning Hub.
Special Collection and Northamptonshire Collection
The library holds a special collection that comprises of rare and hard-to-replace journals and other resources.
For details on viewing the collection, visit our Special Collections pages. The Northamptonshire Collection is kept alongside this collection, and contains documents relating specifically Northamptonshire and its history. These resources are kept securely in the Learning Hub at Waterside Campus and are viewable by appointment with a member of library staff. To arrange an appointment or for more information, email with the details of the resources you would like to view. Tutors wishing to book in sessions for their students should speak to their subject Academic Librarian contact to make suitable arrangements for access.
Illustrated Books
Our collection of illustrated books can be found on the third floor of the Learning Hub. They are located on the bookshelves at the far end of the third floor library collection. These resources are for reference only, they cannot be borrowed but they can be used within the Learning Hub.
Audio CDs
We hold a collection of audio CDs, these are located on the landing on the fourth floor of the Learning Hub.
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Collection
We have an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Collection, this can be found on the fourth floor of the Learning Hub.
The Fowler Collection
The Fowler Collection is located within The Hide on the fourth floor of the Learning Hub. This collection is the personal research collection of Dr George Herbert Fowler and chiefly relates to published secondary sources for the study of history. These resources are for reference only, they cannot be borrowed but they can be used within the Learning Hub - if there is an event in The Hide please ask at the Library Help Desk on the second floor and staff will retrieve any items for you.
Leather Collection
Many of our books about leather are part of the main collection in the Learning Hub, however we also have a specialist Leather Collection.
Wellbeing Collection
You’ll find this collection on the second floor of the Learning Hub, next to the Library Help Desk and there’s a Reading List of books to support your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
I'd like some help to find what I need
We are very happy to help you find items within the Learning Hub. you can contact us by:
- email at
- our Chat service by clicking on the blue speech bubble at the bottom right of every page
- speaking with a member of library staff at the Library Help Desk, located on the second floor of the Learning Hub during staffed hours
- ask us a question using our 'Submit a Question' form
- call us on 01604 89 3089
We also have a guide to explain what can be borrowed and for how long.
These links and files will open in a new window
- What are shelfmarks, and how are the library books organised? Opens in new window
- NELSON Opens in new window
- What is the Special Collection, and how can I view it? Opens in new window
- I need to access a book or journal from the Leather Collection. How do I do this? Opens in new window
- Wellbeing Reading List Opens in new window
- What are the loan types and rules of borrowing? Opens in new window
- Staffed hours Opens in new window
- Submit a question Opens in new window
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