Answered By: Library Help
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024     Views: 544

I have a question or I'd like to speak to someone about referencing

The library teams are happy to help you with referencing. If you have a quick question that you think could be answered in 10 minutes, the Learning Development team have an online and in person drop-in every day. We also have 1:1 tutorials about referencing styles:

What is referencing?

Referencing is a way of acknowledging other peoples’ ideas and work. You do this through a citation (in the text of your work) and a reference at the end of your work.  

References to other people’s ideas and work are an important part of academic writing as they: 

  • provide support for arguments and claims that you make 
  • show evidence of the breadth and depth of your reading. 

We have guides about the most popular referencing styles at UON.

What referencing software does the University support?

There are lots of referencing software available, that helps you to manage your reference list. The University supports RefWorks and we can help you by:

What style should I be using?

Referencing has different styles, these are the rules about how you format your referencing and citations. Different styles have different rules so it is important that you know the style you should be using. Your tutor will explain to you which style to use and, if you are not sure, contact your tutor.

I know the style I am using, where can I find more information?

The library provides information about the different styles and formatting:

There is also a Use of AI Tools in Academic Work - Citing and Referencing Guide, about using AI tools in your work.