Answered By: Lisa Anderson
Last Updated: Mar 04, 2025     Views: 173

How do I decode course codes?

We have guidance available on course codes.

How do I decode my modules on NILE?

There is a helpful document on NILE which shows you how to decode NILE module codes.

Can NILE sites be merged?

With the new set up, there should be less need for NILE merges. Many grades will have a direct journey from NILE to SITs, which NILE merges could affect.

How do I access SITS?

SITS is available to all staff who might need to view a student record, run basic reports or undertake administrative processes. We have guidance available for using eVision. We recommend that you save these links as a favourite in your browser. SITS is also a tile on the Staff Hub. 

How will student apply for Mitigating Circumstances?

The Academic Advice and Student Support team have guidance available for staff and students.

Can I still use OASIS?

As we are transitioning away from our former student record system, QLS, Oasis is no longer current. If you need current details for a student, such as their phone number, you will need to check on SITS.  The only updates on OASIS will be for students whose modules were started in QLS, so their grades are being finalised in this system.

Support with using SITS

You should have already had the chance to book on to basic Student Record View training, and in some cases been invited to relevant training for your role.  If you haven’t yet been to SRV training, you can still book your place via you can still book your place by searching for 'SRV Training'. There are also help guides for using SITS.