Answered By: Health and Safety Team
Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024     Views: 48

What is a Policy?

A 'policy' is a set of general standards that have been approved through the University's formal policy consultation procedures for addressing a specific Health and Safety issue or requirement.

Policies will have a clear aim and scope and be objective setting in their requirements. Policies can refer to 'procedures' to provide more practical detail on process and any specific actions necessary. 

What is a Procedure?

Health and Safety Procedures are more detailed in their requirements than policies and, in general, the use of a 'procedure' is more appropriate than a policy where there is a logical start and finish to an activity, sometimes known as Safe Operating Procedures (or SOP's).  

Procedures are not required to gain approval through the University's formal consultation processes before implementation, although there is a requirement for new or updated procedures to be notified to the University's Health and Safety committees as good practice, and early notification of new or updated Health and Safety procedures to the trades unions is required for their input.

What is a Guideline or Guidance?

A 'guideline' provides advisory information on a health and safety topic, it is not a mandated requirement but is recommended.