Answered By: Health and Safety Team
Last Updated: Feb 07, 2024     Views: 86

A failure to plan and assess the risks relating to events could lead to new Health and Safety exposures being introduced with a lack of effective controls in place increasing the risk of injury to students, staff, and visitors.

The University hosts a wide range of events throughout the year, ranging from large events such as Open Days and Graduations, through to smaller gatherings for groups and clubs.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that those attending any events on its premises are safe, and that University premises and resources are used appropriately with the safety of all in mind.

The use of University facilities for hosting internal University events or events for organisations should always be coordinated with the Conference and Events team. The team can support organisers on a range of issues such as identifying locations and space for the event, co-ordinating diaries, organising contractors and liaising with the Health and Safety Team on safety-related questions.

Email for more information.

There is also a homepage that lists the range of Health and Safety risks identified as relevant to the University's activities and facilities, together with information on the University's policies and arrangements on how these risks are to be managed and controlled.