Answered By: Health and Safety Team Last Updated: Feb 07, 2024 Views: 225
The University has comprehensive arrangements in place designed to ensure students, staff and visitors are protected and safe from the risk of fire in any of its buildings.
The University’s fire safety arrangements include for example:
- fire detection and alarm systems installed to each building on the university estate and integrated into 24 / 7 monitoring by the Campus Security team and a third-party alarm monitoring company
- fire evacuation drills for each building are undertaken at least twice a year
- weekly fire alarm tests (usually on Thursdays)
- premises fire safety inspections
- stove guards installed to kitchens in all halls of residence
- planned maintenance of fire safety installations and equipment, including for example fire detection and alarm systems, smoke vents, electrical testing, fire doors, emergency lighting, fire hydrant.
- fire door inspections
- trained fire wardens
- the provision of Fire Fighting Equipment, such as extinguishers and fire blankets
- annual Fire Risk Assessment programme
- information for staff and students on fire safety awareness.
The Fire Safety Working Group meets monthly to review fire safety performance matters, including the monitoring of fire safety compliance standards across the university, reviewing new projects with fire safety implications, managing actions, and responding to new fire safety legislation. The Terms of Reference for the Working Group are available to read.
The current University Fire Safety Policy is available to read.
Information for student residents in university properties is provided on-line when signing the tenancy agreement, and is also provided in the Fire Information for Residents document.
If you have a concern on any fire safety issue, then please contact
Fire in sleeping accommodation
Potential risk of fire in student sleeping accommodation presenting risks to occupants, like student residents and staff.
Fire in non-sleeping accommodation
Potential for fires in academic buildings and other premises under the management and control of the University.
There is also a homepage that lists the range of Health and Safety risks identified as relevant to the University's activities and facilities, together with information on the University's policies and arrangements on how these risks are to be managed and controlled.
Contacting the Safety Team
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