Answered By: Health and Safety Team
Last Updated: Feb 07, 2024     Views: 623

Incorrect storage and use of flammable liquids could lead to risk of fire potentially leading to injury and physical damage and loss.

The University uses limited quantities of flammable liquids in stored in small packages and containers. The objective should be to always keep the quantity of flammable liquids in University premises to the minimum.

Flammable liquids must be stored safely in purpose designed storage units and be marked as ‘Flammable’ cabinets with the appropriate signage. An appropriate fire extinguisher should be located close to any flammable liquid storage location.

Items contaminated with flammable liquids such as materials used for cleaning spillages, or printer wipes for example should be removed from the building into external bins at the earliest opportunity. Where these materials are used regularly as part of process, then they should be disposed of into a steel lidded bin and removed from the building at least daily.

Chip pans containing liquid cooking fats are prohibited from halls of residence and if discovered will be removed and confiscated. Air fryers are permitted for use in kitchens but must be regularly cleaned and properly maintained.

There is also a homepage that lists the range of Health and Safety risks identified as relevant to the University's activities and facilities, together with information on the University's policies and arrangements on how these risks are to be managed and controlled.