Answered By: Health and Safety Team
Last Updated: Mar 04, 2024     Views: 269

Risk of dangerously high-water levels and flooding to the riverside Waterside Campus site from the river could lead to life safety risks to campus occupants from deep and fast flowing water.

The River Nene flows alongside the Waterside Campus, and whilst the land on which the campus was built has been raised to meet the Environment Agency’s requirement for a one in two-hundred-year flood risk, the potential for flooding nevertheless remains.

The flooding risk to University properties including Waterside Campus and others has been risk assessed and is documented in the University’s ‘Flood Response Plan’. This document identifies available pre-emptive planning to protect life safety and property, and the post-event recovery phases of any flooding incident. 

The University works closely with government agencies including the Local Resilience Forum, West Northamptonshire Council and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service in developing its procedures and processes, which include conducting water rescue exercises and training for staff.

There is also a homepage that lists the range of Health and Safety risks identified as relevant to the University's activities and facilities, together with information on the University's policies and arrangements on how these risks are to be managed and controlled.