Answered By: Health and Safety Team Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025 Views: 1347
Risk Assessment
The university is planning to consolidate all health and safety risk assessments onto a common online platform over the next three years. As an interim measure the following links should be used to access risk assessment formats. If you have a question on the correct format to use for the risk to be assessed please contact the Health and Safety team.
Different format health and safety risk assessment forms are available for use for recording the assessment of specific risk types. These include:
Health and Safety Risk Assessment form
Use this form for recording your assessment for a broad range of health and safety risks.
Biological GMO Risk Assessment
Use this form for recording the assessment of work activities involving Hazard Group 1 biological agents.
CoSHH Risk Assessment
This risk assessment form should be used for assessing activities with the potential to expose workers and others to hazardous substances which could harm health. There is also information available on the Health and Safety Executive Website.
Fire Risk Assessment
You will not be able to complete a fire risk assessment unless you have specific access as a named individual. If you have any questions concerning fire risk assessment, please contact
Event Risk Assessments
If you wish to complete a risk assessment for an event you’re planning, please use the ‘Generic Risk Assessment Form’.
Travel Risk Assessments
All international travel must be risk assessed in accordance with the University’s travel booking process using the Travel Plan and Generic Risk Assessment template.
The Health and Safety team can if requested review your travel risk assessment and provide you with advice and guidance on the content, however approval of the Travel Plan and the risk assessment is the responsibility of your line management.
There is a specific form for Travel Risk Assessments
Research Activities Risk Assessments
Any Research proposal must be subject to a Risk Assessment of the planned activity and should form an integral part of the approvals process ahead of the commencement of the research activity.
Children and Young Persons Risk Assessments
Where children or young persons are expected to spend time in the workplace for work experience or other purposes, a Risk Assessment identifying the tasks they will undertake and the controls including supervisory arrangements in place must be completed by the hosting department.
There is a specific form for Children and Young Persons Risk Assessments
New and Expectant Mothers Risk Assessments
If a member of staff reports that they are pregnant a Risk Assessment of that individual’s specific circumstances must be undertaken. This should be reviewed each trimester and when new mother returns to work, within six months or if still breastfeeding.
There is a specific form for New or Expectant Mothers' Risk Assessments
Manual Handling Risk Assessments
An assessment is required where the operation involves a significant risk of injury, cannot be avoided, mechanised or automated at a reasonable cost.
There is a specific form for Manual Handling Risk Assessments
Young Persons (Work Placement) Risk Assessment
There may be occasions where children / young persons engage in work experience activities at the University which may involve access to higher risk areas. In these situations, the Manager or other responsible person of the Faculty / Department where the work experience will be based, must complete a specific Risk Assessment for the work experience activity prior to the work experience starting.
There is a specific form for Children and Young Persons Risk Assessments
Pregnant Student Risk Assessment
Should a student self-declare as pregnant, the following Guidance Document and Risk Assessment form are available for academic staff use to ensure the student continues to receive a positive learning experience whilst prioritising their health and safety.
There is a specific form for Pregnant Student Risk Assessments
There are also guidance notes for completing the assessment
What do I do with my completed form?
You will need to have logged in to access the forms. Save a copy of the form and complete the information and save to your device. You can then either upload it to our our online question form or email it to us at
Who can I talk to about Risk Assessment?
The Safety Team can assist, guide and support you in completing your Risk Assessment. You can contact the team through our online question form or email us at
The Health and Safety team are continually reviewing and refining the Risk Assessment formats used for specialist Risk Assessments, and links to these formats will be progressively added to this site as they are approved for use.
The University also uses consultancy support to assist in the assessment of certain risks which may require specialist competencies and expertise. Where practical the University's Risk Assessment formats will be used, although in certain cases the University will adopt the format used by the consultancy.
Links & Files
- Children and Young Persons Risk Assessment form Opens in new window
- COSHH information on the Health and safety Executive website Opens in new window
- Event Risk Assessment form Opens in new window
- Health and Safety Risk Assessment Form 2024 Opens in new window
- Manual Handling Risk Assessment form Opens in new window
- New or Expectant Mother's Risk Assessment Opens in new window
- Pregnant Student Risk Assessment Opens in new window
- Pregnant Student Risk Assessment Guidance Notes Opens in new window
- Travel Risk Assessment form Opens in new window
- Young Persons (Work Placement) Risk Assessment Opens in new window
- Online question form Opens in new window
Contacting the Safety Team
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