Answered By: Library Help
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024     Views: 2521

If you know the book that you want, you will be able to find it using NELSON if you have some information, like the title and / or author. Make sure you are logged in to NELSON to get the most from your search results. We have lots of help guides available so you can get the most out of searching and using NELSON. You will see where to find the book in the Learning Hub:

Location items tab will detail where to find the book on the shelves

We have a guide for finding books in the Learning Hub, and we are always happy to help. You will find us on the Library Help Desk on the 2nd floor of the Learning Hub. Help is available if you are unable to find the book you are looking for or the item you want is out on loan.

When you have found what you are looking for you will need to issue the item(s) to yourself using the self-service machines located on the every floor, except the first floor. You will need your ID card to use these machines and should always wear it on your lanyard whilst you are on campus. If you would like someone to take books out on your behalf then arrangements can be made.

Renewing loans is straightforward in most cases, unless someone else requires the item you have on loan. Returning items is also easy and items can be returned by others on your behalf. Items you borrow are your responsibility until they are returned to us. If you lose a book or damage a book that you have on loan, please contact us at as soon as possible.

Check out further details of our different loan types and allowances and remember to ask us if you have any questions - we're always happy to help.

The process for borrowing laptops is different and if you need any help at all, please email us at